Thursday, May 7, 2009

Why I love THICK WOMEN!!!

I love the full figured ladies over the rail thin wanna be model types. The perfect example of what I'm talking about is Toccara!!! She is so FINE!!! Just look at the average black woman and she is a size 12 or higher. But it just looks good to me to see a shapely woman who is not afraid of wearing a form fitting sexy sun dress with a THONG on!!! DAMN!!!! I'll eat her like a plate of ribs!!! Don't get me wrong the Halle Berry's of the world and other small shaped women are sexy also. I'm just feeling the more shapely females. I have a saying "the thicker the berry, the sweeter the juice!!!" Let me hear you on this fellas.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Why do women love taking their man's t-shirts?!?!

Let me start off by saying this, WOMEN LOOK SEXY IN T-SHIRTS!!! Just buy your own t-shirts!!! Why is it that when we (MEN) have our stash of tee's you ladies just happen to put on our t-shirts just because you have to do laundry? That is a lame @$$ excuse for taking what is rightfully ours!!! Ok maybe you wear it once, but when you start wearing it over and over again it kills us. We'll sacrifice that one shirt, but you ladies start to take more and more of our shirts!!! What can we do about this fellas? TO BE CONTINUED.......

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Why am I addicted to HARLEM HEIGHTS???

My name is BIG ROD and I'm an addicted to HARLEM HEIGHTS!!! Don't laugh at me, remember the first step to rehab is admitting you have a problem. Every Monday night @ 10 p.m. BET airs their reality show "HARLEM HEIGHTS" It's a group of twentysomethings in Harlem USA going throughthe ups and downs of relationships and friendships. At first the show did not appeal to me that much but it quickly picked up the pace had me hooked. To me it seems like the show revolves around this one character "Brooke" and all she can talk about is her ex-boyfriend "KAYNE" Would that be Kayne West??? Any way, the drama that goes on in this show is so CRAZY!!! Ashley is Brooke's rival and they hate on each other whenever they get a chance. Let me set the stage for you, remember back in high school you hung out with a certain group of people and you did everything with them. Well fast forward about 10 years and you have HARLEM HEIGHTS. The guys in the show come across as corny at best and the girls are DRAMA QUEENS. I watched the latest episode last night and all I kept on hearing was "well when I dated Kayne or when Kayne took me to Paris." Give it a rest Brooke!!! My question is this, Does Kayne even remember dating this girl? And why is she always referring to him as to boost her image up? All I can say is I'll be tuning in next week for more drama filled action on "I USE TO DATE KAYNE" I mean Harlem Heights...

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

What could you not live without???

Imagine someone came to you and offered you $100,000,000 to give up something that you could not live without. What is the one thing you can't live without? Just take a minute and think on this question I asked you. That morning cup of coffee, that cigarette you have to have to calm you down or maybe it's that Vodka martini that takes the edge off for you. Personally it would be chocolate for me. I love chocolate and sometimes I feel like I'm going crazy if I don't eat some. So ask yourself, what are you willing to go without?

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

A-ROD did, would you???

Alex Rodriguez was outed for taking a banned substance in the MLB. Now my question is this if someone told you that there was a drug that can make you physically stronger and your recovery time from fatigue and or injury would be quicker, would you take it? My response would be "YES!!!" I played sports throughout my young life and into my 20's. At the time if someone came to me and said take this and you'll be ALL-STATE or ALL-AMERICAN and you'd be guaranteed a professional contract, I'd tell them to shoot me in the butt twice a day and 3 times on Sundays. LOL!!! Seriously I would. Just imagine you could take a pill or get a shot and you can become great at whatever you do. The job you are on right now you could leave your position and become the CEO and earn 7 figures. Tell the truth, you would do it. The great Ric Flair once said " if you ain't cheatin', you ain't tryin' to win!!!"

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

KOBE drops 61!!!

For all you Kobe Bryant haters, he dropped 61 on the sorry @$$ ny knicks!!! You are witness to GREATNESS...

Monday, January 26, 2009

Why can't men have fun w/ their friends???

I know this is going to start a lot of trouble, but here goes nothing. In relationships why is it such a problem for men to go out with their friends (not all the time) and have fun? The question is this, if you don't trust us why are you with us? If we haven't done anything to you in the past don't let your insecurities from a previous relationship dictate how you are going to be in this relationship. I was watching Chris Rock's latest stand-up "Dont Kill Da Messenger!!!" and he put like this: if a girl goes out with her girlfriends the man is happy for them that they get time to do all the stuff we don't want to do with you. Such as shopping, going to get your nails done, going to see a chick movie. All the things you can do with your girls and have fun while you are doing those things. But if a man goes out with his boys, you better not come home and say that you had fun or it will be problems!!! Let your woman come home or you meet your woman somewhere and you have a great big ol' smile on your face and she knows she didn't put it there. All HELL is going to break lose!!! Bottom line is when your woman ask you how was your outting with the fellas, just respond it was AIGHT. Other words, lie through your teeth. Because if you tell her you had a blast or the best time of your life, there are a few things that won't be happeneing around the house. For starters, no food and no sex. Why do women withhold those 2 things first when they are mad at their man? Heaven only knows why. I leave that for my next blog. So fellas the bottom line is this, whenever you do get a chance to go out with the fellas make a good one. Cause you'll never know when the next time is coming around. Now ladies I know you all will say that is not me but before you say that, think back to last time your man said he wanted to go out to the sports bar and watch the game. What was your reaction? Disclaimer: we as men are not trying to use our male bonding time as an excuse to go out and sex another woman. Tha's a whole other story...